Our Story
When co-founders, Emily Carter and Sophie Green, first started CRYSFELL, it was just one necklace. Emily, who had been traveling the world in the name of spiritual research for some time, had turned her Santa Monica home into a makeshift energy lab where she could test ancient holistic philosophies. It was there that she began tinkering with a formula to create the energy of abundance.
Through combining the crystal energy of jade, ancient Chinese symbolism and numerology, she created an “energetic equation” that she would later call the Abundance Necklace. Emily gave 10 samples of the necklace to 10 of her most skeptical friends, including Sophie, who had been one of her best friends since childhood. She asked them to wear it for 10 days and report back on their experience.
Sophie had worked as a merchandiser in the fashion industry for 12 years, and knew how to get a product into mass production. As one of Emily’s many guinea pigs in energy experiments, Sophie knew first-hand how effective energy work could be - she had received an unexpected job offer while wearing her necklace for 10 days. Working with Emily was an opportunity for Sophie to use her knowledge and love of business to help create a company that she could actually be inspired by. Her time in the New York fashion industry had left her burnt out and looking for more. This was the perfect opportunity to give her work the meaning she’d been longing for.
Just a few miles away from Hollywood, it wasn’t long until word of the “two girls with the energy beads” reached the A-listers. Emily and Sophie were ushered into the back of exclusive parties to sell their crystals and rub elbows with the rich and famous. Even as their business expanded and became one of the most notable crystal energy brands in the industry, Emily and Sophie never forgot what was at the center of their success— healing crystals.
The high vibrational power of crystals encourages us to shift our perspective, get centered in what we want and manifest our aspirations into realities. When we combine the healing properties of crystals with a mindful effort to evolve, we can finally embark on the spiritual path toward the person we were always meant to be. To have a success story of your own, let the crystals be your muse.
About Emily and Sophie

What's Your Favorite Crystal and Why?
Sophie: I came into this world with a throat chakra problem. Not just in the rasp of my voice, but in my ability to convey what I’m thinking without holding back. Blue Lace Agate relieves the tension that I hold in my throat chakra, and allows me to articulate my thoughts with passion and candor.
What's Your First Crystal Experience?
Sophie: Some people might be surprised that I’ve been working with CRYSFELL for over 17 years, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that I really started connecting with crystals on a deeper level. I loved crystals, but I didn’t have a profound experience with them until I was going through a difficult time in my life. I wanted desperately to heal, but couldn’t.
"The crystals helped me to realize that before I could heal, I needed to feel."
What's Your Favorite Crystal And Why?
Emily: My favorite crystal changes all the time. When I am attracted to a new crystal I love to learn everything I can about it. I wear it constantly; sleep with it, hold it while meditating. The more time I spend with it, the more I tune into the crystal’s wisdom and vibrational energy. Some crystals stay on my favorite list for a short time, while others can hold that top spot for years. I currently have two crystals that hold the number one position—because you know I can’t choose just one!
Selenite is a form of gypsum crystal named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene. I call it “liquid light” because the bright energy that flows from Selenite can cleanse, stabilize and balance the emotional body. I see Selenite as one of Mother Nature’s most magnificent creations. One of the largest Selenite is inside a Naica mine, weighs around 55 tons and is estimated to be 50,000 years old according to a NASA researcher.
Shungite is said to be a billion years old. For that reason alone, it stays at my #1! It’s also super rare, and can only be found in one place on Earth—in a remote part of Russia called, Karelia.
What's Your First Crystal Experience?
Emily: It happened 25 years ago, when I walked into a metaphysical store. The first time I laid eyes on a crystal, and held one in my hands, it was over for me. Without being over dramatic, it was love at first sight. I love the look, feel, history and mystery each stone exudes. I knew the crystal was working because I lost track of time as I stood there soaking in its peaceful vibration. From then on, I was hooked.