Calling All Angels: Crystals to Connect with Angels and Ethereal Energy
If healing crystals are a natural creation of the Earth, angels are a gift from the Heavens. Angels are all around us, available to us anytime, anywhere. They’re not bound by our worldly restrictions nor do they adhere to our manmade measures of space and time. They are of another essence altogether: another stratosphere and another dimension. They are everywhere and ever-present — around us, above us, and within us. We may not fully understand their nature, but we can trust in their power. In the brightest moments or darkest days, take comfort that angels are flying among us as we humans walk the Earth.
We’ve all had those “but for” moments: a near-miss, a chance meeting, an unexpected outcome, that split second in time that altered our course. These are perhaps the moments when our guardian angels have intervened to help steer us, support us, rescue us or console us. Angels may be ever-present, but it is up to us to take the active step of calling upon them for help. In the quiet moments of reflection or under the heavy weight of soul-searching, these are the times when we can summon the archangels for help, knowing they are always available as a lifeline, a safety net or resource of wisdom and strength. Our angels have much to give and want to help, but establishing that portal to the angelic realm requires us to take a critical first step: inviting and welcoming them in. Incorporating crystals for angels can help you establish this opening and provide access to the next dimension of enlightenment, clarity and self-realization.
Crystals for Angels & to Connect with the Angelic Realm
There are many crystals for angels that can help facilitate this connection. In addition to initiating contact and acknowledging our needs, it’s also important to know how to ask for assistance.
Clear Quartz for Clarity
Be specific. When calling on the angels, it is vital to be as clear and exact as possible about what it is you seek. The more specific you can be, the greater the chance you will achieve it. Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal for helping us clarify what it is we want as we call on our angels. Give this careful thought. Ask yourself: who are the people you are surrounded by? Are they a positive or negative influence? What choices are you making to find what you seek? Are there other forces in your life that are either pushing you forward or holding you back? As a symbol of purity, perseverance and patience, Clear Quartz can pierce through the cloudiness and provide you with a blank slate, allowing you to begin anew with angelic inspiration and stay razor-focused on your intentions.
Here are a few other examples of how you can use certain crystals as you beckon the angels for help.
Angelite and Archangel Michael for Protection
For times when you might be in need of extra protection, call upon Archangel Michael, the leader of all angels, defender against evil and champion for good. You might desire protection while traveling, during a competition, before undertaking a challenging endeavor, starting down a new path, confronting a fear or during times when you just need to stay calm in the face of uncertainty. Angelite is a peaceful crystal that embodies all the gentle vibrations of our guardian angels. Its light, ethereal blue color symbolizes the limitless freedom of an open sky. Use it to help you feel open and connected as you build your relationship with the celestial world. Hold your Angelite crystal in your hand as you call upon Archangel Michael and gain a sense of strength, security and confidence.
Rutilated Quartz and Archangel Raphael for Healing
If you are in need of guidance on health-related issues or in need of healing, call upon Archangel Raphael’s ability to heal the mind, body and spirit. This is great if you or someone you know might be struggling with a medical illness, suffering from depression, have concerns about nutrition, recovering from an injury or just need guidance on your general well-being. Rutilated Quartz contains thin, golden threads of minerals, often referred to as “angel threads,” that will help relieve your ailments and restore peace. It is a unique, healing gemstone carrying ethereal vibrations that can help strengthen your willpower and motivation to persevere. Work with Rutilated Quartz while you call upon Archangel Raphael to remain encouraged and chart your course to a healthier state of being.
Rose Quartz and Archangel Chamuel for Love
Archangel Chamuel is the angel of pure love in all its forms, and brings powerful spiritual illumination into your life. Call upon him to help support you in any matter related to love – whether it’s the love of others or the love of self, the need to forgive, or the strength to persist and fight for what you love. Love carries the highest, most powerful frequency on the planet. When you align yourself with the energy of love, you will not only feel, but embody, the grace of angels. Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. Its gentle, soft energy reminds us that true love comes from within. Loving ourselves first allows us to then give our whole heart to others. Hold Rose Quartz while calling upon Archangel Chamuel to help lead with your heart, make every decision with love, and live a more blissful life.
Crystal Angels for a Deeper Spiritual Connection
You’ve got to go deep first in order to ascend to a higher level. When using crystals to connect with angels, there are several options. You can choose the one that best fits your needs and lifestyle. One of our favorites is the use of Crystal Angels. These can be used when seeking an especially deep spiritual connection, one that takes you to yet a higher place. Crystal angels can be a profound resource for transformation, clarity, serenity and peace. In moments of mourning and sorrow, of crisis or conflict, forgiveness and grace, when you’re in need of courage and resolve, or simply want to stay more closely connected to the celestial world, crystal angels are a tangible symbol of what we wish to manifest. It’s holding a wing and a prayer in the palm of your hand. Touch the crystal angel’s wings, outline their shape, visualize being wrapped in the safety and comfort of their mystical power, and know that you are loved and not alone. Crystal angels are a physical form of a spiritual presence - something we can see, touch and hold. This can help facilitate the mind’s eye to focus on your desires and intentions. Visualize your own shoulders and arms, your own wingspan, and recognize that you, too, are angelic. We all have the ability to access “our better angels” and follow their lead. Reach out your arms, stretch your body, expand your mind, open your heart and fill the space. Tap into your own angelic self, become one with the spiritual realm and find the peace that comes from restoration and clarity of purpose.
The best part is, these crystals for angels can serve as a transportable spiritual companion – a physical reminder that the love of angels is always with you wherever you go. Place them in a pouch or in your luggage during travel, in your purse or briefcase before an important meeting or encounter, or keep one tucked away in your car to steer you and keep you safe. You can even give them as a special gift to someone in need. No matter what direction you’re headed, crystal angels can enable you to be aligned with your intentions and stay connected to the angelic realm as you continue on your spiritual journey.
As with all crystals, there are different crystal angels for specific needs and intentions. Some carry a stronger vibration for clarity, some for love, others help release negativity or bring luck.
Clear Quartz Angel for Clarity
Many times, the most difficult part of achieving our goals is being able to clearly define them. Often, despite our best intentions, we become confused, distracted, redirected and lost in our pursuits. Working with the Clear Quartz angel can help dissipate any mental fog and reveal our true priorities. Let it guide you toward becoming clear of purpose in what you desire, which direction to take, what you want in, and from, your life, who you are or want to become. It will be your beacon of light as you find your way through the darkness.
Rose Quartz Angel for Love
We know love is the most powerful force in the universe. Call on the soft, nurturing energy of the Rose Quartz angel if you are in need of healing a broken heart, to learn forgiveness, to find the words of self-love or when you are ready to open your heart and attract love into your life. Love touches all of us in so many ways. It’s the source of all joy – and the root of all pain. Use the Rose Quartz angel to fill your heart and surround yourself with love and recognize all love begins with loving yourself. Always come from a place of love and you will be a mirror that attracts the kind of love you seek and deserve.
Trolleite Angel for Clearing Away What No Longer Serves You
Trolleite is a powerful stone for clearing away what no longer serves you. Much like Rose Quartz, it teaches us there is grace in forgiveness, and freedom as well. Channel the energy of your Trolleite angel to clear out all the negativity that may be holding you back. Release those negative thoughts, any darkness or sadness, become open to forgiving others or forgiving yourself and let go of past mistakes or regrets. In other words: clean house! Get yourself unstuck. Only then can you move forward to make room for new possibilities and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.
Aventurine Angel for Good Luck
Green means go! Align yourself with the luck that this beautifully green Aventurine angel bestows. Move into the opportunity zone. Know that you are worthy and deserving of all good things coming your way. In fact, insist on it! The color green is also a symbol of growth and new beginnings – personal growth, career growth, spiritual growth, growing a family or starting over. Embrace the miracle of chance, be magnanimous and commanding as you seek out your goals, manifest being in the right place at the right time. Allow yourself to be fully aligned with the lucky stars…and your lucky angels.
Your Practice with your Crystal Angels
Hold your crystal angel in your hands, speak to it out loud, engage with it, tell it what you want, be clear on what you need. Working with crystal angels can help clear away any dark, stuck energy to reveal a path forward. Don’t be afraid to submit fully and give yourself over to new opportunities. Let the last chapter close behind you so that you may start anew. Begin your spiritual relationship with an open heart and welcome in the idea of infinite possibility. Here are a few prompts that can help initiate a dialog with your angel:
- Help me…
- become clear-minded on what I need in my life at this time
- illuminate a path forward to a better place
- gain wisdom and clarity in the choices I make
- have the strength I need to stay the course that I have set for myself
- welcome people into my life that will support me and enable me
- clear away the sadness and negative thoughts that no longer serve me
- love myself so that I may love and serve others who need me
- recognize the opportunities that await and know that I am deserving